Volunteer for ACING

Are you interested in building friendships, fajitas, and fun times? Engage with your local community to help us achieve our goals. We understand people lead busy lives so we work hard to accommodate every level of volunteer time commitment – we are flexible!

So what’s the scoop?

We are looking for Block Connectors (or whatever magical name you would like to call yourself!) to:

  • Be a point person for the block so that everyone can be in touch about block related matters (e.g. garage doors left open and neighbourhood watch) and so that info can be shared (e.g. events and news) back and forth with the community league, other neighbourhood associations and one another.
  • Encourage neighbours to attend community events or initiate the organization of block social events, such as block parties, BBQs, Halloween hot chocolate, wine and cheese with/for your block.
  • Discover the vision for our neighbourhood, the activities and interests that you and others might want to share in with your neighbours and what skills, abilities and experiences people would be willing to share with a neighbour or the neighbourhood. Examples might include senior care, gardening, snow shoveling, or photography. We have a Neighbourhood Conversation Guide to facilitate this information gathering.

If you’re interested, please complete the Block Connector Application Form here: https://goo.gl/forms/NY5PeASncy782yuy1

Not able to volunteer at this time? We understand. Do you know someone who would be perfect for the role? Nominate them here: https://goo.gl/forms/va24ZFqCHyatvnRm1

For more information, contact [email protected]