For the first time, North Glenora is forming a committee dedicated to gardening and sustainability initiatives. There are so many people in this community who have a wealth of gardening knowledge or are taking those next steps to living more sustainably, as well as many others who aspire to reduce their impact on the environment but might not be sure how to go about this. The goal of the committee will be to make information available to those who want it, thereby assisting neighbours in reducing their individual impact, as well as taking on projects that will continue to transform North Glenora into a showcase for low impact living at the community level. We are looking for anyone who has an interest in gardening or sustainability issues to devote as much or as little time as they are able.
Some initiatives are already under way and include:
- Last year’s pop-up garden – a great trial run to pave the way for a permanent community garden
- A useful program of sharing our gardens’ bounty with those who may not have gardening spaces of their own
- A Rain Garden to be installed this season. This garden will demonstrate to residents of North Glenora and other communities how the use of alternative landscaping can harness rain water and divert it from the city’s wastewater system.
- A possible car-sharing initiative
Examples of potential initiatives include:
- Hosting gardening events – container gardening workshops, kids’ gardens, seed and seedling exchanges, composting workshops, tree planting sessions, including a food forest in NG!
- Public education sessions and the possibility of creating a list of neighbourhood mentors. This could include those who have already made changes and can assist others on such topics as installing solar, buying a hybrid or electric vehicle, installing new windows, reducing waste at home, building a sustainable home garden.
- Developing a neighbourhood tool sharing program
- Other initiatives brought forward by committee members
For more information, please contact Erin at [email protected]