North Glenora Playschool Registration Night and Open House
Wednesday, March 9 (NOTE THE NEW DATE!)
6:30-8:30 p.m.
13535-109 A Avenue
In addition to our current schedule, we are pleased to offer an afternoon class next year for our four-year-olds. Our options are:
2.5- to 3-year-olds (turning 3 by March 1, 2017):
T/Th morning – 8:55 to 11:25, or
W/F morning – 8:55 to 11:25
4-year-olds (turning 4 by March 1, 2017):
M/W/F morning – 8:55 to 11:25, or
M/W/F afternoon – 12:30 to 3:00