Tuesday and Wednesday, August 15 and 16 at Starlight Casino, West Edmonton Mall.
In August we will be having another fund raising casino and we need your help!
Why a casino you may ask? Casinos provide us with critical funding for ongoing upkeep and maintenance of our community hall. We expect to raise between $73,000 to 80,000 this year! In only two short days we can quickly make our funding needs…much faster than selling chocolate bars!
We’ve tried to predict your questions so put together these FAQ’s, however if you still have questions or want to volunteer, please contact our amazing volunteer Casino Coordinator, Neil Lang at: [email protected] or call 780-975-0868.
What can I expect if I volunteer?
Companionship with other community members. Training by a paid and certified casino advisor that works directly for our organization, not the casino facility.
Do I need a criminal record check or any other documents?
No, but for those in the upper positions (volunteer General Mgr, Banker, count room supervisor) it’s helpful to have completed the Volunteer form. The volunteer form collects your contact info, place of birth, birthdate and a question asking if you have been charged for a criminal offence. No other forms are needed for volunteers.
Do I need experience?
Definitely not. We all have some experience just counting cash. You do not have to know anything about casinos other than the location. Those in the volunteer Cashier cash cage are trained in dealing with chips and money for the payouts. At least three people are always in the cash cage room to verify counts and provide support.
What are the hours?
Three sets of hours, these are approximate:
- 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
- 6:30 pm to 3:15 pm
- 11 pm to 3:15 pm
Are meals included when I work the casino?
YES meals at the facility are included.
Anything else I need to know to encourage me to volunteer?
Generally this is a lot of fun! It’s a good learning experience and to you will get to know a bit more about some of your neighbours. They could become your lifelong friends!
To volunteer, contact our volunteer Casino Coordinator, Neil Lang at: [email protected] or call 780-975-0868.