Join us February 28, 2021 at 7pm for a thought-provoking ZOOM conversation with Doug Griffiths, bestselling author of 13 ways to Kill your Community.
Doug successfully served as an elected Member of the Legislative Assembly in the Province of Alberta for four consecutive terms. In that time he served in two senior Cabinet portfolios as Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Service Alberta, as well as three junior positions in Agriculture, Finance and Solicitor General. After leaving government, Doug founded 13 Ways Inc. (https://13ways.ca/) as a company to facilitate success in building communities people want to live in and can prosper within.
Doug’s passion lies in building strong communities and he has generously offered to bring his insight and expertise to bear on helping North Glenora chart its course toward a successful future.
We’ll have Doug for a 30-40 minute discussion on community building before opening the floor to Q&A.
Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/HUE6jFNWYrHpQ2o78