North Glenora Annual General Meeting Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 7:00pm 13535-109A Ave

The North Glenora Community League is run by a committee of volunteers. We meet monthly (except July and December) to discuss various aspects of the community league and to provide oversight to its operation. If you are interested in sitting on the North Glenora Community Executive, please submit your name and the position you seek to Andrea Laurie at [email protected]


President: You are the representative of North Glenora to the community and provide leadership to the Executive Board. You work together with the board to further the goals of North Glenora. You are supported by the Past President.

1st Vice President: You assist the President as needed and oversee the operations and administrative functions of the League.

2nd Vice President: You assist the President as needed and oversee the program functions of the League.

Secretary: You enjoy organizing meetings and record keeping.

Treasurer: You are skilled in financial matters, and help the League to stay on budget throughout the year.

Buildings and Grounds: You enjoy taking care of the physical structure of the League.

Family Programs: You enjoy organizing leisure, recreational, social and educational activities for the families of the League. This includes overseeing Indoor Playground and Playschool.

Adult Programs: You enjoy organizing leisure, recreational, social and educational activities for the adult members of the League.

North Glenora Neighbourhood Club: You enjoy organizing leisure, recreational, social and educational activities for the members of the League.

Hall Bookings: You enjoy scheduling the community hall for NGCL activities and want to encourage hall rentals.

Historian: You are passionate about history and enjoying documenting the activities of the League.

Membership: You enjoy meeting people and provide them with the opportunity to purchase memberships in the community.

Neighbourhood Security: Community safety and security is important to you, and strive to help the community to become a safer place to live.

Planning and Transportation: Land use and traffic are things that interest you. You want to help shape the community’s response to these types of issues, and want to keep the community informed of what is happening in these areas.

Publicity: You enjoy media and layout and want to keep the community informed of what is going on.

Sports: You enjoy organizing sports programs for the community.

Grants Coordinator: You love research and want to use your talents to find sources of funding.

Fundraising Coordinator: You enjoy organizing initiatives and events to raise funds for the Community League.

School Liaison: You believe Coronation School is a vital part of the community and desire a closer cooperation between the Community League and the School, representing the interests of each to the other.

Social Media Coordinator: You enjoy the different social media platforms and work with Publicity to keep our membership informed of upcoming and breaking events.

Abundant Communities Liaison: You are a community builder. You provide a bridge between the Abundant Community initiative in our neighbourhood and the board.