Soccer Wrap-up BBQ – Friday, June 21
5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Food: BYOFTG….otherwise known as “Bring-Your-Own-Food-to-Grill” plus a salad or dessert to share.
Drinks, snow cones and one free hot dog per child will be provided by NGCL.
What else: Bouncy houses, face-painting, door prizes and good times with your team.
Volunteers*: Please note: we are looking for volunteers for this event to help out with food and bouncy house supervision. Please let us know if you are able to take a half hour shift on the bbq or at a bouncy house. Many hands make lighter work!
**Opportunity** FC Edmonton is offering community leagues discounted tickets for the Sept 22nd afternoon game. NGCL is organizing a group event including game ticket and bus transportation from North Glenora for $20 a person. You can pre-buy your tickets for this event at the wind-up party. Space is limited so buy early.
North Glenora Pub Night – Friday, June 21
8:00pm – 11:00pm
Come enjoy your favorite cooler, beer, soda pop – we will even make you an iced tea!
Bring your favorite summer snack to share.
It’s the longest day of the year – come celebrate!