Mark your calendar for Oktoberfest Pub Night!

Join the Bar Babes at the Community League Hall on Friday, October 13, from 8 to 11 pm for our second Pub Night as we celebrate Oktoberfest 2023!

There will be a variety of beer, including ‘die beer’ for those who want the true German Bier experience! Wine, coolers, ciders and non alcohol beverages will also be available. For those who truly want to experience the Oktoberfest tradition, dress the part! A ladies dirndl or a gent’s Alpine hat will be highly encouraged.

Please note: Our license from AGLC states that all our pub nights are for North Glenora residents and their invited guests. Cash bar only.

See you on October 13, from 8 to 11 pm for another fun-filled evening! Remember to bring a snack to enjoy with friends and neighbours.
