We rely on volunteers to deliver our wonderful outdoor rink each year and we need your help. We’re currently looking for a Rink Manager and Rink Team for this season! Training is provided!
We are looking for:
A hands-on Rink Manager to build and maintain the outdoor skating rink, and to coordinate volunteers.
Fourteen Volunteers to maintain, clear and flood rinks throughout the winter. We have 14 slots to fill to clear and flood the rink (once every 2 weeks) through the winter, or about 10 times in total. It takes 1-3 hours each time depending on the snowfall. Most people who do this say they really enjoy the job—it’s peaceful and very satisfying!
This is an important service to our community which ensures we have a rink for public skating, pond hockey, and shinny.
It’s time for action!
Interested? Please contact Andrew Gregory at [email protected].
Indicate whether you are interested in the Rink Manager job, which night of the week you are free to volunteer, and whether you would like to work once a week, or every 2 weeks.
Spread the word widely! Send this on to EVERYONE you know who would be interested in pitching in.
People with kids who skate or play for the Dragons should jump on-board. Don’t deny them this meaningful community involvement!
Please know that if we don’t fill these roles, we will not have a rink this year.
And, speaking of volunteers, a special thank you goes out to Dave C, Dave VM, Jason, Rummy, Nino, Kurt, Adele and Andrew who put up the rink boards.