Update on the Rink Shack Roof Repairs

Hi neighbours! You have probably been wondering what’s been going on with the rink shack roof. Home Depot Westmount came out March 23rd and provided the materials and labour required to complete the rink shack roof repairs. Once they started the work, they realized we had a problem with pigeons roosting in the rafters. Because of that they are closing off the space between the outside and the rafters using chicken wire so that no more pigeons nest inside this space, and have also replaced most of the soffits. However, we had to pause the repairs to accommodate pigeons that are currently nesting in this space.

Battle River Wildlife Management is working to ensure the babies fledge while deterring other pigeons from making their homes there, using ultrasonic sound emitters and other methods. Once the baby pigeons are out of the nests, we will finish closing up the roof space. 

A big thank you to Home Depot Westmount and Battle River Wildlife Management for helping make this project a success!

-NGCL Sustainability Committee