Community Safety Alert

Hello North Glenora residents,

If you live in the communities of Laurier Heights, Parkview, Crestwood, Grovenor or Glenora you may have already heard about a person driving a grey vehicle acting in an inappropriate manner towards school-age students.

Yesterday, a student a Westminister School noticed an individual in a grey vehicle taking photos of them. The student made it home safely and reported this incident to a trusted adult. This incident has now been reported to the Edmonton Police Service.

I strongly recommend you to talk to your children about safety. Remind them to be aware of their surroundings, and make sure to stress to them to keep their eyes open, and to travel in groups if possible and to tell someone you trust if they notice anything suspicious. I also encourage you to contact the police if any incident occurs.

The more times something gets reported, the higher the priority the police will place on the incident. If your child informs you of anything, please contact the police and let the school know.

Stay safe and look out for each other.

Lionel Pereira, NGCL Community Safety Director