If so, we’d love to add you to our business or student directory. North Glenora residents love to shop local and want to know what services are available in our community. The small cost of $50 for an entire year in the directory gets your name out there and also helps support the North Glenora Community League.
Students can sign up for the registry for free! Let us know if you are available for babysitting, dog walking, etc.
You can view our current directory here: https://northglenora.org/business-registry/
Simply fill out this form to get started: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfGbHREASF8Q-hbhrizv3OvO8vnC4amqquCPpZKdqs7SRQH9A/viewform
Or, send us an email to [email protected] and we’ll look after the rest.