Pond Hockey Returns for its 2nd Season
This is designed for kids in the community to experience hockey for the first time or expand on their previous experiences. Pond hockey is a fun way to experience the game. We encourage participants to have a beginner to intermediate background in skating. (If you’re looking to improve you skating skills look at our outdoor skating program for more details!)
Registration Opens: Dec. 5th
Jan. 7 – Feb. 25 (6-8 weeks, Thursday nights 6:15-7:15 pm). (*start date tentative)
** Please Note: Pond Hockey is dependent on weather. Sessions will be cancelled if the wind-chill is below -20 degrees Celsius or if the ice is too soft. If possible, we will hold missed sessions in the following weeks as needed (weather permitting). **
We have room for 30 registrants. You will need to fill out the registration form online on our website. You must be a North Glenora Community League member.
Cost: $50 per player – this covers insurance covered by the Hockey Association and basic equipment set to borrow for the season.
Registration can be done using credit card on the online registration only.
Each player will receive a basic set of starter equipment on the first day (which includes neck guard, shoulder
pads, elbow pads, pants, gloves, shin guards, carry bag). This equipment is to borrow for the entire season and
must be returned after the 8 weeks. Please take care of your equipment, and clean it as needed.
*(Participants can use their own equipment, please indicate this on your registration form if doing so)
Mandatory: skates*, helmet with visor, stick, jock/jill
Skates, helmets and sticks can be borrowed from the North Glenora Community League rink shack on a first come first serve basis. Jock/jill must be purchased.
Optional: mouth guard, hockey socks.
If you are new to hockey, Canadian Tire has a rookie website that helps explain the required equipment:
Parents will need to ensure that their children are dressed and ready to play by 6:15 pm. Approximately half of the time will be skills and drills followed by a shinny game.
Since this is a 100% volunteer run program, please let us know if you are able to help in any way. Besides coaching, you can also volunteer for administrative jobs (cancellation phone parents, hot-chocolate duty, etc.).
Let us know if you are interested.
If you have any questions, please contact Guy at [email protected]