North Glenora Community League Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, March 11 – 7:00pm

Come hear the Executive’s Annual Reports, and enjoy some refreshments! There are no bylaw changes this year.

The North Glenora Community League is run by a committee of volunteers. We meet monthly (except July and December) to discuss various aspects of the community league and to provide oversight to its operation. A number of the positions have a subcommittee which work to accomplish their various tasks.

If your are interested in sitting on the North Glenora Community Executive, please submit your name and the position you seek to: Marie-Josée Bruneau – 1st Vice President at [email protected] or Myrna Khan – 2nd Vice President at [email protected]

Election of new Executive for 2014-15 Term (March to March) takes place at the Annual General Meeting. Please note you need to be a member of the community league in good standing to sit on the Executive Committee.